NGO Travel
Airnorth has a strong commitment in supporting Timor-Leste as a developing nation. We therefore offer support to officially accredited/ recognised not-for-profit charities and non-government organisations (NGOs) who carry out legitimate humanitarian activities to assist the Timorese community.
Airnorth offers all recognised NGOs undertaking humanitarian activities in Timor-Leste the opportunity to access Airnorth baggage waivers from Darwin to Dili.
Airnorth offers a 10kg excess baggage waiver to volunteers of accredited/ recognised not-for-profit charities and NGOs travelling from Darwin to Dili that are carrying donations to be distributed in Timor-Leste only and not for the carriage of personal items/ luggage. These baggage waivers are available only for the Darwin to Dili one-way sector of the trip. Baggage waivers are not applicable for Dili to Darwin sectors.
All excess baggage waiver requests must be made in writing by completing Sections 1 and 2 of the current Excess Baggage Waiver Request Form and by providing the required paperwork for all requests. Baggage waiver applications of previous versions of the Excess Baggage Wavier Request Form will not be accepted.
*All requests and the required supporting documentation must be emailed to reservations@airnorth.com.au.
All excess baggage waiver requests must be forwarded a minimum of five working days (Monday to Friday) prior to the scheduled Darwin to Dili flight departure to ensure adequate processing time. Any requests received less than five (5) working days prior to departure will not be considered.
Airnorth receive many requests for NGO excess baggage waivers and we consider all requests in accordance with our guidelines and we respond to all requests in writing.
For further information contact our Reservations team on 1800 627 474 or email resevations@airnorth.com.au